
Students should be advised that a substantial amount of time is spent in fieldwork to meet practicum and internship requirements. 尽管大多数课程都是在线提供的, 实地工作体验是亲自完成的,通常在白天完成. 完成课程通常与全职工作不兼容.

Eligibility for enrollment in Practicum (601年国家/602) and Internship (COUN 640) requires admission to the 咨询 Program and completion of all prerequisites. 由于空间有限, students must apply to reserve enrollment for both practicum and internship prior to enrolling in each of these courses. Students cannot register themselves for practicum or internship and may not enroll in more than 4 semester hours of internship credit each semester without prior approval. Students must reserve enrollment by emailing the instructor 6-months prior to the beginning of the semester for which they intend to enroll. These Practicum and Internship Reservation Forms are due a minimum of 2-months prior to the beginning of the semester. 目前只接受心理咨询专业的学生, 谁在准备开始第601/602号行动, or 640, 应填写表格.

601年国家 & 602:实习预约表格


The Clinical Mental 健康 clinical field experience consists of a full-time practicum (601年国家-3 credits) consisting of 100 hours, 40 of which will be in direct client contact and a full-time internship (COUN 640-6 credits) consisting of 600 hours, 其中300人将直接与客户接触. 临床心理健康咨询 students must take a total of 6 credits of internship over 2 semesters. The nature of this experience should be in a mental health counseling setting and similar to that of a regular counseling position, 但是在更严密的监督下. 实地体验将在培训项目结束时进行, and the intern is expected to put into practice the knowledge and skills acquired in the program.

All prerequisites must be completed before students may enroll in Practicum in 咨询: 601年国家. 前提条件为con519、con523、con531、con533和con541. COUN 634 is a co-requisite, meaning it must be completed before or 在 the semester of practicum. 学生必须完成所有要求的先决条件课程, 包括实习, 在参加咨询实习之前:640英镑. COUN 640必须是你学习计划中的最后一门课程. 一个简明的先决条件列表可以在实习预约表上找到. 严格执行先决条件.

在参加实习课程(601年国家)或实习课程(COUN 640)之前至少一学期, the student will obtain approval for an internship site from the appropriate field experiences instructor. 选择一个地点的一个主要标准是该机构的现场主管的证书, 即至少拥有咨询硕士学位, 心理学, 或者临床社会工作, 该学科的执照, 还有两年的现场工作经验. 学生必须发一份简历 并安排与潜在的现场联系人会面进行面试. 学生, 现场主管和教务主管, 一旦地点确定,你会完成实习合同吗.

学生必须通过临床心理健康咨询 辅导员准备综合考试(CPCE) 毕业前. 


The 学校心理咨询 clinical field experience consists of a full-time practicum (COUN 602-3 credits) consisting of 100 clinical hours, 40 of which will be in direct client contact and a full-time Internship in 咨询 (COUN 640) consisting of 450 hours, 其中180人将直接与客户接触. 学校心理咨询 students need 3 credits of internship per grade level endorsement (i.e. 寻求PK-12认可的学生必须完成两个3学分的实习). The nature of this experience should be in a school counseling setting with responsibilities similar to that of a school counselor, 但在严密监督下. 实地体验将在培训项目结束时进行, 并且希望实习生能够将之前所学的知识和技能付诸实践.

All prerequisites must be completed before students may enroll in Practicum in 咨询: COUN 602. 前提条件为con531、con533和con541. con 634和con 635是必需的, 这意味着他们必须在实习学期之前或期间完成. 学生必须完成所有要求的先决条件课程, 包括实习, 在参加咨询实习之前:640英镑. COUN 640必须是你学习计划中的最后一门课程. 一个简明的先决条件列表可以在实习预约表上找到. 严格执行先决条件.

在参加实习(602)或实习(COUN 640)之前至少一(1)个学期, the student will obtain approval for an internship site from the appropriate field experiences instructor. 安置的一个主要标准是学校现场主管的证书, 即至少拥有学校心理咨询硕士学位, 学校咨询背书, 还有两年的现场工作经验. 学生必须发一份简历, 并安排与潜在的现场联系人会面进行面试. 学生, 现场主管和学院主管, 一旦地点确定,你会完成实习合同吗.

如欲了解更多详情,请参阅 CSC辅导实习 & 实习手册.



Before you can enroll in practicum or internship, you must have professional liability insurance. Please be sure that you have proof of insurance to show your professor the first day of class making certain the agreement lists your name as policyholder. You may obtain insurance from any provider; however, 责任保险是免费提供的 美国心理咨询协会 or 美国学校辅导员协会(ASCA) 学生会员.


Our program will now utilize the Tevera software system for Practicum and Internship paperwork (e.g.,现场协议,时间日志,技能评估等.)、关键评估的完成,以及其他必要的任务. 您将通过一次性购买获得进入该系统的权限. 按要求购买, you will have access to Tevera 在 your time in the counseling program and beyond graduation. This helpful resource will also allow you to access your clinical records after graduation and log clinical hours post-graduation to ease licensure/certification processes. 


MindTap 提供在线作业,包括视频, 评估, 研究工具, 以及对电子书的无缝访问. 我们的许多CSC咨询课程都使用圣智的MindTap. 目前, 你将以127折的价格购买MindTap, 133, 225, 235, 321, 323, 331, 520, 531, 532, 533, 534, 535, 541, 545, 630, 632, 634, & 637. 虽然这些课程每学期都有变化, 因此,请与您的课程导师联系以获取更多信息. 



  1. 提交学习计划.
    在进入咨询项目后, 你将收到研究生办公室的正式学习计划. 该计划必须在课程开始后的9到18小时内提交. 与你的导师合作, 你必须完成你的计划,并以电子方式提交给研究生办公室批准. 申请毕业前必须存档一份签署的学习计划.
  2. 申请毕业.
    计划12月毕业的考生必须在4月15日之前正式申请. 计划春季毕业的学生必须在11月15日之前指出. Students who plan to graduate in the summer (with the option to participate in December commencement) must file before June 1st. 该应用程序的链接可以在MyCSC待办事项中找到.
  3. 完成研究生咨询电子作品集.
    The counseling e-portfolio is an electronically submitted compilation demonstrating your ability to create a holistic, summative expression of how the counseling program has prepared you to enter the counseling profession. You will submit a completed electronic portfolio to your advisor by the midterm of the semester of graduation. 不完整的作品集将不被接受,并可能推迟毕业. Instructions for the 咨询 E-Portfolio are in the appendices of your Graduate 咨询 Handbook.
  4. 毕业, school 咨询 students must pass the Praxis Subject Assessment Professional School Counselor (5422).
    这项评估必须作为毕业考试完成. 这也是内布拉斯加州学校咨询背书所必需的. 点击这个链接找到一个 ETS学习指南. Further information on school counselor endorsement may be obtained from the Chadron State College Certification Office, dperkins@imomoew.com, at 308-432-6032.
  5. 所有的研究生课程都在 夏德隆州立大学研究生课程. Students are responsible for becoming familiar with the policies and regulations of Graduate Studies. 因此,学生需要访问 查德隆州立大学毕业生目录.


每年的4月1日至6月1日接受申请. 请浏览 内布拉斯加州农村健康办公室网站 了解更多信息


A limited number of on-campus Graduate Assistant employment opportunities are available for students enrolled in a graduate degree program at Chadron State College. Assistantships offer assignments designed to provide opportunities for supervised educational experiences at the graduate level.


经济援助是用来帮助支付学费的任何类型的资金. 这包括奖学金、助学金、学生贷款和勤工俭学.

电子邮件: start@imomoew.com
地点:Crites 114馆


Students in the Counselor Education program are held to a higher standard due to anticipated interaction with clients and community members. 作为未来的咨询师, you are expected to represent the College as professionals and adhere to the ethics and standards of the counseling profession. 除了学生行为准则, the following 职业性格 apply to all students in the 咨询 Program before, 在, 在你的实地经历之后. 这些标准涉及到心理咨询师的情感属性和一般性格. 相应的《ladbrokes立博中文版》提供了进一步的指导. 如欲了解更多详情,请参阅 辅导员教育学生手册